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How Air Filter Issues Can Affect Your AC Efficiency

Admin • Mar 19, 2019
Air Conditioner — Air Filter in Irving, TX

The air filter is a critical part of your air conditioner (AC). This component cleans the air so that the AC doesn't get clogged and you don't breathe in polluted air. However, some things can interfere with your filter's operations, including the following issues.

Wrong Filter

Most ACs use standard-sized filters, which means that you don't have to worry about size when you buy filters. However, some ACs use customized filters that cannot fit in other models. You need to know which filters your AC requires so that you can get them during the replacement.

Otherwise, you might install filters that don’t fit perfectly into their allotted slot. Here is what happens if you use an air filter that is too small for your AC:

  • The filter may move and make noise when your AC runs.
  • The filter will leave some spaces at the sides that debris can flow through.
  • The filter can get sucked into the vent and cause blockage.
  • The AC can get clogged and suffer frequent breakdowns and energy-efficiency issues.
  • Your indoor air quality can suffer, and you may suffer respiratory problems.

If you are in doubt, talk to your AC company or an AC technician to figure out the right filter for your AC.

Improper Installation

Even with the right filter, your AC’s performance may still suffer if the filter is inserted the wrong way. Air filters are unidirectional in their operations, and the AC will have inefficient airflow and debris clogs if the filter is inserted the wrong way.

Note that air flows from the return air duct into the main AC unit and out of the main unit through the supply air ducts. This knowledge, together with the directional arrows on the air filter, should guide you to insert the air filter in the right way and avoid the above consequences.

Wrong Efficiency Filter

The AC filters come in different efficiencies, with the efficiency being the size of the particles the filter can trap. A high-efficiency filter has tiny holes that not only trap tiny air particles but also restrict airflow more than low-quality filters. Thus, your AC will experience restricted airflow if you opt for the highest quality filter on the market.

Only opt for the high-quality filters if you have unusually small particles in your indoor air or want the cleanest air possible in your house (say, for health reasons). Otherwise, opt for moderate filter efficiency so as not to deal with restricted airflow issues.

Dirty Filter

Once you have the right filter and you have inserted it the right way, you need to replace the filter once it gets dirty. Most 1” filters need to be changed at least once a month, thicker filters, such as 4” filters may last up to 6 months. The filters trap debris in the air so that your AC doesn't chock in dust and you don't breathe in dirty air. With time, the trapped debris clogs the surface of the filter and prevents efficient air flow.

Below are some of the things that may happen if you continue to run an AC with dirty filters:

  • The AC may overheat and break down due to overuse.
  • The AC will experience energy efficiency due to impaired airflow.
  • You may experience reduced cooling or uneven cooling in your house due to impaired airflow.

How frequently you need to replace your air filter depends on multiple factors. Change the filters frequently if your house is unusually dusty, you have a pet, or you run your AC for long periods. Anything that sends more dust into the AC filter calls for more frequent filter replacements.

Contact Henry's Service All if your AC has malfunctioned. We will diagnose and correct the issue, whether it has to do with the filter or any other part of the AC.

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