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Why Does Your Air Conditioner Smell?

Admin • Sep 19, 2019
 Modern AC Unit — Irving, TX — Henry's Service All

Have you noticed a strange smell emanating from your air conditioning system? Take a look at the top reasons why your air conditioner smells unpleasant and what you can do about it.

Mildew and Mold

A musty smell may indicate mildew or mold growth. Moisture from a leak or excess humidity provides the perfect environment for spores to germinate and grow. This can result in an unseen (or sometimes visible) growth that makes your whole home stink.

While most central air conditioning systems are made to filter air and remove humidity, it's still possible for dampness to get through. How can you determine if mold or mildew is a problem and what can you do to stop the growth—and the smell? If you suspect this issue:

  • Visually inspect the exterior area. Don't remove parts or pieces of your home's AC system. This is a job for the pros. Instead, look at the easily accessible areas. If you see black, grey, white, or greenish fuzzy growth, you have a problem.
  • Remove the filter. A dirty air filter can allow spores to get into your HVAC system's ducts or can restrict air flow and create a humid, mold-breeding environment. Replace your filter regularly to prevent this problem before it happens.
  • Check the dehumidifier. Does your system have a dehumidifier? If it does, make sure this add-on works properly. Clogs, wear and tear, and other types of damage can result in failure to remove excess moisture from the air. This increases the risks of mildew and mold growth.
  • Call an HVAC professional. If you can't see the mildew or mold, but can small it, contact an expert. It's possible the growth is inside the unit, on the evaporator coil or the blower.

Regular maintenance services can help to prevent a mildew or mold problem before the smell takes over your home. The technician can inspect the system for signs of growth, clean mildew/mold properly, replace the filter, and recommend additional treatment if needed.

Overheating Issues

Does it smell like your AC system is burning? An overheating issue can cause a distinct burnt odor that may stay near the system or waft through your home through the ducts.

What can cause an air conditioner to overheat? The most common causes include:

  • Clogged air filter. This is an easy-to-fix problem that, if left untreated, can result in major AC issues. A clogged filter forces the system to work harder. The added workload and longer run times (to cool your home) can cause your air conditioner to overheat.
  • Dirty condenser coils. Like a clogged filter, dirty coils also force the AC system to work harder and for longer periods of times. Contact a professional to inspect, clean, or repair coils.
  • Low refrigerant. Without an adequate amount of refrigerant your system can overheat. Again, you'll need a professional to repair this issue.
  • Compressor wear or damage. When the compressor doesn't work correctly, your home's AC system can overheat. Compressors can overheat for many different reasons. Only a qualified professional should evaluate and diagnose the problem.

Regular maintenance can also help to reduce the risk of overheating. Schedule pre- and post-season appointments with a technician to inspect, clean, and repair your AC system.

Pest Problems

A rotten smell may point to a pest problem. Mice, rats, and other small-sized critters may crawl into your air conditioning system to nest. If the animal gets stuck or dies inside your air conditioner or ducts, the smell will carry through your home.

The scent of animal decomposition is strong and won't go away on its own. An HVAC professional can inspect the system, find the cause of the odor, and remove it.

Does your air conditioner smell? Contact Henry's Service All for more information.

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